There is so much information thrown at us when we're trying to lose weight or control our metabolism that it's hard to know where to turn - fact is, there isn't a one size fits all fix. We need to consider if your hormones are out of balance, if your thyroid is functioning sub-optimally or whether your digestive health, diet or inflammation are contributing factors in your ability to shift the kgs.

Losing weight and optimising your metabolism will help with everything from getting pregnant, preventing chronic disease and reducing blood pressure to taking pressure off your joints and enhancing your moods and energy.

For some people, simple dietary exclusions and changes may be all that's needed. Sometimes your body simply reacts poorly to certain ingredients, or has difficulty digesting certain components of your diet. For others, a more structured week to week dietary plan suits better.

With one-on-one weigh-ins and assessments to track your progress, we can work together to keep you on track and achieve your best outcomes. If needed, I can provide herbal and nutritional support along the way to support metabolism and great health during the process.